Project management has been defined as the process of leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given constraints. . The primary constraints are scope, time, and budget (cost) and this is popularly refered to as the project management triangle. Changes to one of these factors will impact the quality of the project
Come on a journey with us, begin your project management training and lets guide you from initiation to close as you build your knowledge and skills in the principles of project management and delivering successful projects. Learn about systems, processes, people and information technology,become a well rounded project manager.
At SymphoniesX we realize every individual is different and we work with you every step of the way. We guide you ensuring you gain the knowledge skills and behavioural competencies you need to be the best you can be in your project management journey.
Our prices are competitive and affordable and at £499 you are not only mentored and trained by qualified mentors, you also have access to our Learning management platform and resource library containing our cyber security, project management and information technology study materials.
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